At this stage of human & societal development Faern has been looking further and further into stress and how we are attempting to manipulate the area in order for her to see why things so easily go awry for the individual, besides the fact that on a societal level we are living in stress pretty commonly and think we can “regulate” this. Basically- we cannot and we are being told we can and this concept is being wrapped up into WELLNESS CULTURES- Yoga, Meditation etc.- right where it doesn’t belong, keeping many people in an un-grounded state of being. In this episode Faern goes over why cosmic living from a spiritual perspective will support your health while bypassing the need to “regulate” yourself like a police officer. It’s counterintuitive to put anything in between you and your divinity or any spiritual practice.
The best affirmations are the ones which provide you with a spark deep down inside. Sometimes these are written by others, other times you. Honestly the ones that are not written by you which provide that spark are pretty universal and although they feel good it’s not a good idea to depend upon them. Even if you absolutely love some of these all encompassing simple affirmations I highly suggest you write those down multiple times to really connect truthfully.
To write your own you want to start with a series of very simple I am statements. Which may be what you were already working with.
Below are the basic steps for creating your own affirmations.
Keep this in mind as you go: the power of the affirmation not only comes from the words you choose but your energetic connection to them. Be sure you don’t get so flowery in your language that it feels weird to say it. As if it’s foreign to your own energy body.
Stage one
Start with “I am“ phrases. Make a long list of these. Look these over multiple times and then move onto creating a list quite similar to the one you just made except you’re going to focus on any positive phrase beginning. Anything that is affirmative – I know , I have, I love etc.
Stage two
Always write in the positive. The focus is on what you want rather than what you don’t want. The focus is on what you want to happen not what isn’t happening or working out.
Stage three
We are working in this now so write these that way. In the present tense.
There’s a very big idea around “already having“ which I feel goes much further than writing only in the present tense. This has more to do with how it feels to have the thing or experience work out than it does with everything being in this now. Although that is also important as well.
Stage four
Dual affirmations to confirm aspirations. It’s one thing to want to be an artist and it’s a whole other thing to be grateful for all the ideas, supplies and space to make the art.
“I am experiencing great success in my new business“ pair this with I am so excited to be enjoying all of this wealth at last“
This approach will confirm and reaffirm your highest passion and believe in what you want to experience in this lifetime.
Stage five
Affirmations have nothing to do with how any of it is going to happen. This is most likely where people get lost in this process because we are often trained to look for the how-to steps because that’s how most people in history have done it. But when it comes to energy and in particular affirmations of this sort you needing those details actually creates a blockage or a speed bump in information Moving towards you which might create unintentional difficulties which may cause a misunderstanding of the process.
Stage six
Now let’s talk about successes or things you like about yourself. Often these parts of yourself or ourselves overlooked or taken for granted and this is the foundation of how we are being in the world. If this affirmation process is completely new to you it’s a very good idea to begin with these things that you like about yourself about your life about your children and about your hobbies about whatever it is that you can pull up because it will help you understand how it works because you already have these things. It takes away the stress of all of those manifestation details people love to give out.
Choose five things. Write a couple affirmations per thing if you need more assistance on this download the PDF which is linked at the bottom of this post. Actually download it anyway, I think you’ll enjoy it.
Stage seven
Why are you start with in distress and needs are through the roof?
Taking time to practice being with one’s self is a magnificent way to connect with your inner being but also with your life around you. The stage is directly attached to the previous one about successes. Choosing to write affirmations about a wide variety of topics allows for a good amount of space to create the ones which you’ll have the most success or benefit from.
Here’s an example from my own life. Before I go out I have an affirmation I usually say which I like very much. You can do this around all things you want to confirm and affirm into your life. Changing the way you approach things in your life to support what you actually want includes your thinking patterns which will help shift circumstances around you bringing in new experiences new feelings new friends new new things to do with your day with your life.
Here are some extra points:
1 if you are struggling to believe your own affirmations you have to create an “in” for yourself. An example would be to use the statement “I choose“.
2 all of this is gratitude centric but often we forget to include these statements when we are creating our affirmations. Adding in or starting with “I am so happy that“ or “with gratitude“.
“ with gratitude I am seeing X in my life right now“
3 Do your best to keep it short but it still has to be nice so don’t make it so sure that it doesn’t feel good to you to say
Having a positive view of your life going forward is going to increase in importance very quickly. Creating a perspective around that will remove the possible habit of leaning on expectations and beliefs. Yes absolutely dream ENORMOUSLY while keeping in mind you actually have to believe it. If you’re going to be repeating it to yourself out loud especially. Which you are, see below.
What to do with your affirmations
You’ve written a long list of wonderful statements and phrases sing straight to your heart – no what?
There are all kinds of ways to use them. From scripting, repeating, recording and listening, to breathing and repeating, meditation and journaling. The key is that you cultivate a deep relaxation component as part of a practice in order to make these things really connect to your being.
Another thing that is extremely helpful is active visualization or for my purposes and for some of your purposes I’m calling “FEELIZATION” which is my personal experience and practice which I will have to do an entire post about it in order to explain it to you.
Another thing you could do is affirm while traveling, driving, walking, pushing the kid in the stroller or when you have nothing to do. Or if you just have a second you can run some affirmations through your head. Another thing you can do is have them ready to go for when you wake up in the morning and just do that get used to repeating them in a positive tone in your head you can repeat them while you’re brushing your teeth and stuff like that. But here’s the deal with that. This is important. You still have to do it at some point when you’re connected to a very deep relaxation or do the visualization otherwise you won’t fully connect energetically to them it will feel good but this component will give your body the direct connection that you’re looking for. This often goes overlooked I tried it the other way it doesn’t work.
Here’s an activity:
Write down a negative belief that you have about yourself and then write down the exact opposite.
Thanks for reading,
I condensed this process- which you can download for free here:
EXPERIMENT with your personal energy and how it interacts with the energy AROUND you.
is an 11 day Quantum Abundance Experiment where you aren’t
TRYING to GET SOMETHING specific- the “pay off” is a method to mix up the energy just enough to set something new in motion- whether it be subtle or large-
If you learn HOW this works for you and your body you will be able to master so many more things associated with ideals like MANIFESTATION and all that jazz.
What I have noticed in trying these “challenges” that it’s better in short spurts- but if it’s TOO short it doesn’t land. But even with keeping that in mind- when it comes to your energy sheath or body- I am finding many people attempting to manipulate this without an understanding of how to deconstruct their attachment to the outcome.
The ONLY way I have found to begin a basic authentic communication with it is to do something not logical coupled with some intentional writing + action. This is EXACTLY where this SET IT IN MOTION challenge came from.
I am going to give you all of the instructions, in a nutshell, below. HOWEVER if you want guidance in the form of prompts for the 11 days with some meditations mixed in- sign up for the challenge right here->
HERE’S how it will go… Day 1- Write out desired reality. Be very complete. More info in email. Cut it up, put it aside. You will want to get a small bowl or jar to keep these in until day 11
Days 2 to 10- Cut 5 strips of paper per day. Each day write something new you want in your life- don’t try and remember what you previously put down. Put these aside with day 1’s scraps. Email’s have more suggestions.
Day 11- In meditation see about 5 things you can do to bring today’s you closer to the you in the jar and make a commitment. Then do something with the scraps. Details in emails
SIGN UP for all the prompts which go along with the MOON PHASES and with the current energy, cause that’s how I roll… YEAH this is FREE, grab it before I change my mind.
New subscribers will need to check their email to confirm their subscription.
This is part 4 of our ongoing series called The Yogic Approach
Today we are focused on The Yamas as described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The “backbone” of Yoga Philosophy- restraints.
Faern walks us through the basics of what these are, how we can look at their knowledge and apply it to our lives. She also looks into the word Yama and shares with us some simple insights from connecting the two.
This episode begins with Faern giving us a basic explanation on how we can use the idea of ‘entrainment’ and how we already do naturally in our daily lives and practices.
We then move into a Guided HamSa Meditation and Breathing Practice. We already learned SoHum last year- which is very similar and to some might even seem the same but given some time and attention one will call you deeper within yourself. Neither is more valid than the other- in fact the difference in the spelling is Sanskrit grammar- not any hierarchy, but honestly they FEEL different from each other. Test them out and get back to us.
The intention of the meditation is taking part with ‘entrainment‘, testing the waters, so to speak. This simple meditation is very profound- Faern suggests trying it on your own at different times of day and lengths of time This type of Meditation is focus building as well as calming.
This is a very good place to begin with meditation practices but it is also a quintessential experience many people return to over years and years if not their whole lifetime. {Same with SoHum}
… a description of personal experiences leading up to “pandemonium”
I’ve sat down to “write this now” enough times that when I finally actually did open up the computer to get started I was completely not even phased by the laptop shutting off immediately to do an update. It’s been in my head for months if not a year- and in notes in all the different journals I have going at any given time that I plan on organizing ANY TIME NOW, I bought the little colored tabs and everything. This is besides the point because I am taking on FRESH information at any given time- it’s been a wild wild ride for my energy body and the human body not that these can be separated in any way it’s just that the affects are different.
Humans in general have a habit of judgement + comparison and when your life is created revolving around spiritual context this becomes a gray or messy area when communicating with people that don’t see Spirit as something important. What then happens is a judgement around where THEY are in their lives as it pertains to the way they understand whatever it is you are trying to share which is unintentional but creates a very large distance. This also applies to being an artist- even within other artists, certain people will be ostracized based on their talents or abilities. These other artists don’t realize they are doing it but do notice when the “othered” person is gone because it is generally based on COMPETITION and not TALENT. After a while, all of this gets very VERY old. It turns into this waterfall kind of thing- over and over things just don’t seem “right” but they’re not really “wrong” persey, it’s the perspective or reaction to it. On one hand- you are where you thought you wanted to be- on the other, you just plain aren’t and there’s not a soul to discuss this with.
Leaving me to my own devices meant me driving all that home to a point of chucking it all into the wind, a process that sounds like it takes a millisecond, but actually took a year to just begin it. I have been making Art for so long that once I had a place of “community” (Workspace Studios) and then I had in tandem another (City Art Cooperative) I was in a place that I wanted- but in reality was so completely unstable I was destroying more than I realized because I was working so hard to just make any little thing happen. All kinds of people were helping me and I was doing my best to do my best, falling short pretty regularly and trying to sell art in the park because I was scared to do it on the street. There were points where it seemed to level out- but see, this was dependent on a very unstable foundation unbeknownst to me. When I was basically kicked out of my studio b/c someone else wanted to pay more I was screwed and not a single person gave a rat’s ass. You’d think that would have stopped me but no, I sunk myself into another studio which I was lied to about by the person I was renting from and THEN was when I realized how bad things were looking. At the time I was showing in multiple places- and had been asked about more, slowly but surely I couldn’t hold down the fort at all because of the complete lack of community in the space.
Then I got a phone call. The person on the line was an artist friend. He said “Someone has copied your whole series and is selling them at (—– insert uber popular coffee shop—–)” and went further in describing in detail how good the copies were. Now see, this isn’t the first time someone has tried to copy my work. It’s just the first time it went this far. It was at this moment that I realized it is time. I cannot have a studio. It wasn’t a flip decision either- this call was the seal on the envelope. I have dedicated literally my whole life to making art, figuring out art, all the mediums, art art art and I never one time wondered if I am in the right place until I looked at ALL the turmoil I was causing. I do not care about the person who copied my art outside of the fact that they must be pretty sad to do that. What I DO care about is where I am in my Spiritual connection and I finally took the hint- I had been buying time for so long that I didn’t even see the time anymore.
(images from 2008 / 2010)
Here’s the flip-side – was that a waste of my life? I fought for Art to a point that I blinded myself which somehow kept me safe in some kind of cocoon. Was this a waste? I love to make beautiful things, to put my heart in, but the way this was happening became nothing short of extending the lack mentality I wanted to get away from. So this turmoil and shifting was 2018 through I am not exactly sure when in 2019 when I left the art studio behind. Can you imagine though working as a Yoga teacher trying to pay for an Artist’s life & studio? These things are mutually exclusive as far as I am concerned at this time.
But I can tell you with firm commitment- selling art is nice but guiding Yoga classes opens the space for fulfillment. Ok but, was it a waste?
No, I can not call it a waste. What I can do is take time away from it and see what naturally moves back in.
I am in realization of making a big huge switch up in my life. I am aware this is going to be a big challenge but I haven’t made the commitment yet. So here I am terribly juggling rents and supplies, trying to stay in a cooperative gallery while teaching a Yoga class most days and then all days for a while. THIS was nuts but I was walking a line, not ready to split my life in two just yet. What starts happening next- you would think would make me shift my decision away from teaching at Yoga Studios but actually just solidified my attraction. Unfortunately I am not comfortable giving the details of this except this: There is an invisible list of criteria which you MUST acclimate to in this zone which makes me very uncomfortable.
While all of this is happening I am moving through some very heavy Spiritual work as it pertains to grieving the loss of a large amount of family members very close together. I was closing out a ten year cycle very soon (March of 2020) and I was very focused on this process and I had some plans to work out.
In doing so, getting out of the Art studio landed and I started to do it. This was heartbreaking but at the same time- after all the grief, I just did it, disconnected form anything “art” and we now have a storage space instead of an art studio. WHAT I also DID WAS commit to my Spiritual existence and to guiding Yoga in a very serious way. This helped my home life in so many ways, I cannot get into it right now, but what I neglected to do was close out the emotions attached to it all which definitely became a part of my energy soup in 2020. Immediately I started to look at my teaching schedule and shift things around in a way that allowed me to pay the most attention to what I was wanting to share. I started to change the way I looked at teaching, how I could support a sustainable community that is naturally reciprocal (not them paying me- but us all supporting each other). In order to do this I of course saw that removing and creating space was a must- so I lessened my schedule.
By Jan 2020 it looked like things were going to shift in a very positive way for me personally- I even hired a coach, which was a cost risk in and of itself.
By Feb 2020- yeah, I dunno, I honestly can’t remember, lots of inner work going on.
By March I felt clear of the grieving process and that’s when & why I marked my shoulders. A commitment to me- the spiritual sun & moon- all of this set me up for what then happened with my identified with identity, which as it turns out wasn’t so much “me”.
I think inside a week later maybe 2 we landed in Corona Times.
Bring it together faern
Let’s reel this is- what is the point? Documentation, in a sense, of my moving through an intense series of experiences and landing in the pandemic. Oftentimes what will happen is in a few years I’ll have more of a bird’s eye view on all of this and be able to say more AROUND it. For now I can see that I didn’t give myself proper time to mourn the Art studio thing before Corona and then when I all of a sudden couldn’t teach anymore (online teaching was impossible, I tried) I was in the position of grieving both.
The ironic aspect of this is not lost on me either- to dedicate myself in this way right before not being able to do it. I mean, that’s bonkers but in my life experience, a pattern. Finishing the cycle of grief was also huge- the ten years, but with all kinds of spice.
I am fully dedicated to sharing Yoga & spirituality
a year ago? a year and a half? 2?
It is very interesting to make this kind of a dedication from my life space, but I did and I still am in that. But to do it right before a lock down- this has some extra umph and I will eventually share this here.
Things began moving so fast, it’s like a snake running from it’s own rattle
For now, let it marinate- what would that feel like for you? I’ll tell you what it felt like for me- it felt as though I was being called in to the principles office but without something added, it’s as if the fear was of a different sort- is there a word for Fear + Wonder?
Photo by Admiral General M. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ GodShepherdly 33277089* on
On Hungry for Apples Podcast I am offering a series entitled “The Yogic Approach”. So far there are two episodes – I am putting them out every other week. Although I am not EXACTLY sure if there will be a special holiday schedule. There doesn’t seem to be one emerging and we are already knee deep but there may be a week missed somewheres in there. ANYHOO what was I saying – right, the Yoga for Beginners series on the podcast is called The Yogic Approach because I am offering the topics as they relate to each other, which is not necessarily going to be in the same order as my Yoga for Beginners online classes. They will be reference material- or at least the beginning of it. I feel as though it is important to have a variety of materials available and I find that the podcast format suits me very well- I highly suggest you downloading a podcast app and getting used to using it (DEFINITELY subscribe to Hungry For Apples Podcast while you’re at it). I am telling you this because the audio episodes will always have more going on in them than the videos which I am making- no matter which platform you see them on.
I will be expanding on what I go over in the episode- NOT going over the episode- that would be silly, no one would ever listen to it. If you are considering working with me for an Intuitive Embrace Monthly Session- ALL of these posts will help you a lot. But of course- none of this is required in ANY way to do those months, there is no test. It works best in fact if you allow yourself to see where you NATURALLY GRAVITATE towards. When it comes up- I am there to answer your questions. This applies to the journaling, the book list, any suggested video and all that. Give yourself a chance to peruse the topics on this website, the podcast, the YouTube and suggested books, teachings, recordings etc. It is a WORLD of information.
here are some episodes from “the Yogic Approach” on hungry for Apples podcast
I will create posts on for the Beginners Yoga series which draw these ideas together in relation to what we are working on. If this is interesting to you- stay tuned.
First we have a discussion on the two basic ways to look at the Yoga practice
Then we look at the question “Where to begin- Yoga or Meditation?”
and then we have part 2 of “The Yogic Approach” where we go over the basics of “The 8 Limb Path”